Stand Tall & Own It

3. Disney’s Birds & 80’s Preppy - Creative Coach Lee McCraw-Leavitt

Andrea Johnson Episode 3

Lee McCraw-Leavitt is a creative coach and artist working with women to rebuild their agency to make choices for themselves, so they can serve themselves and ultimately others with their creative power.  She does this through coaching them through the process of adding a creative practice to their lives, where they learn and practice the tools to grow their emotional health.  These are the tools that are in her backpack as she journeys through loss, grief, divorce, career changes, and raising teenagers.

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • Defining “Agency”  Learning how to make decisions for yourself [13:50]
  • The purpose of your journey and what you must endure to grow. [18:00]
    • Types of journeys [19:40]
    • Perspective [23:05]
    • Leadership principle - Go / Grow / Give  [28:17] 
    • Find out what’s around the corner. [31:30]Her unique habit/ritual, start every canvas with the mistake. [32:10]

Resources mentioned in this episode:
Where to find Lee:
Upcoming Art Show @ Lynchburg Art Club 9/4/20 5-8pm

New York Institute of Art & Design [11:05] - if you’re interested in furthering your own creative education.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn John C Maxwell  [35.53]
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn: Teens John C Maxwell
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn: Kids John C Maxwell

Now what?

  • Do you have a creative passion? Is it something you left behind long ago?  Take the first step into something small, and just begin. [36:45]   
  • Your first step will generate confidence and energy, what she calls the Energy of Possibility. [38:35]

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